Overview of the Bible


The Bible, sometimes referred to as the Holy Scriptures, is authored by God Himself. He inspired human writers through the Holy Spirit to compose the Bible, revealing Himself to mankind. The entire Bible testifies about Christ—He is the sole and complete focus of God's plan of salvation for humanity. This is a divine truth, completely true and inerrant, making the Bible absolutely authentic and trustworthy.

Inspired by God

In Greek:
Theopneustos – God-breathed
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21


The Bible never contains errors or mistakes.
John 17:17; Titus 1:2


The books of the Bible were written over approximately 1,500 years. From around 1400 BC to AD 90.


The entire Bible was written by 40 authors, differing in time periods, backgrounds, and literary styles,...

Original Languages

Old Testament: Hebrew & Aramaic
New Testament: Greek

Geographical Locations

These are the locations where the books of the Bible were written:
the Middle East, Asia Minor (Turkey), and Europe.

First Printed Edition

The Gutenberg Bible was printed in Mainz, Germany, in 1455. It was a Latin edition based on the Vulgate.

What Does the Bible Call Itself?


  • "The seed is the word of God."   Luke 8:11


  • "Is not My word like fire…"   Jeremiah 23:29


  • "My word… like a hammer that breaks the rock…"   Jeremiah 23:29


  • "Take… the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."   Ephesians 6:17


  • "Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path."   Psalm 119:105

Living and Active Word

  • "For the word of God is living and active…"   Hebrews 4:12

Summary of the Bible

Trong nghiên cứu thần học, những điều dưới đây giúp xác định rằng Kinh Thánh là Lời Đức Chúa Trời được ban cho con người một cách chính xác và không sai lầm


A divine mystery in which God "breathed" into the Scriptures…

Biblical Canon

In classical and theological terms, the word CANON means "rule"…


This refers to the manual copying of the biblical texts into their original languages (Hebrew or Greek)…


Before the original biblical texts were lost, they were copied onto papyrus, parchment, and animal skins…

Historical Accuracy

The Bible is not merely a collection of religious writings but also a significant historical source…

Old Testament

The first section, called Old Testament, consists of 39 books, recorded and preserved by the Jewish people. It primarily focuses on the nation of Israel.





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New Testament

The second section, called New Testament, consists of 27 books, written by Jewish disciples of Jesus. This section focuses on Jesus Christ and the Church.

The Gospels


The Epistles

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How Can We Rightly Understand the Bible?

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