
"Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things."
— 2 Peter 1:20 —
Bible study method
The Bible is not merely a book; it is a powerful spiritual weapon —a sharp swordcapable of piercing the mind, transforming the spirit, and equipping us for the battle of faith.
Bible study method "The Sword" is based on how the Bible describes itself —a living weapon,not only to be read but to be used effectively. Instead of merely skimming through Scripture or feeling lost about where to start, "The Sword" helps you grasp, analyze deeply, and apply God's Word accurately and systematically.

Step 1: When selecting a passage, ask, "What is this passage saying?"
This involves understanding the characters, locations, events, surrounding context, and the purpose of the writing. Summarize the passage.

Step 2: Ask, "What does this passage teach about God?"
God's Word is like a sword, with the blade pointing upward—toward God.

Step 3: Ask, "What does this passage teach about humanity?"
Notice that the handle of the sword points downward—toward humanity.

Step 4: Ask, "How can I obey what I have learned?"
A sword is meant to be used, so we must apply God's Word in our lives. We are called to obey the Lord and allow His Word to work in us, transforming our lives.
Ask yourself:
- Is there a sin to confess?
- Is there a command to obey?
- Is there something to give thanks for?
Depending on the literary genre of the passage, additional questions can be asked to deepen study and application.
The Bible consists of 66 books, written over 1,500 years by 40 authors,encompassing various literary genres such as law, history, gospel, prophecy, and apocalyptic literature. Therefore, interpretation cannot be arbitrary;it must follow foundational principlesto ensure accuracy and faithfulness to God's intended meaning.
A series of lessons designed to guide believers through fundamental topics, providing them with the opportunity to learn essential truths for a disciple's life according to God's standards.
The Foundational Commands of Jesus
Includes the fundamental commands for everyone who desires to follow Jesus. These lessons focus on the essential requirements Jesus sets for all who wish to follow Him.
The Life of a Disciple
Covers fundamental topics concerning the life of a disciple. These themes are structured to guide a disciple's journey from singleness to marriage, from family to societal relationships.